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Readings Posted on This Page:

Posted:  04-12-2022/Reading:  Love Bombed

Posted 04-06-2022/Reading:  Learning to Trust Again

Date Posted: 04-12-2022
Deck used:  After Tarot
Cards drawn:  Ace/cups; 2/pentacles -- reversed; 3/wands -- reversed; Knight/cups; King/cups; 3/cups -- reversed

I drew these cards yesterday, but didn't have time to write up a reading.  However, I found them so intriguing I left them out.  So, here we go...

This is such a relationship reading, with all of the usual turns and twists:  rough beginnings, third party situations, juggling of emotions (and paramours), the knight in shining armour and his amazing over-the-top courting ritual (actually, in this case, it's a "love bombing").  There is also the hedonistic theory:  let me have everything I want in my reach, my appetite is endless -- never mind that someone is going to get hurt and a true love connection will be lost, the opportunity shot down by shady behaviour, deception, insecurity, and the inability to make a mature choice.

The energy feels like kids playing at love and relationships, but sadly, I don't think this is the case.  I feel that this is speaking of individuals who are old enough to know better, they're just drowning in emotional immaturity.  Another sad thing, is that this feels like a pattern of behaviour that's been well established, and most likely, as the present fiasco is played out, there will soon be another to follow.

My advice:

To the target of this Knight... run, and don't look back.  The few moments of adoration and complete attention that you are getting right now is not worth the pain and regret that you will feel later.  There are other fish in the sea, more promising, more honest, more open to a real grownup relationship and commitment.

To the Knight... grow up.  

Date Posted:  04-06-2022
Deck used:  Light Seer's Tarot
Cards Drawn:  Ace/wands; The Sun -- reversed; 9/wands; Queen/cups

Learning to Trust Again

Your hesitation at letting down boundaries may be holding you back from experiencing something that would bring great happiness into your life.  The question is, what are those boundaries there for?  Don't get me wrong -- boundaries are needed and they can be a VERY good thing, but when someone becomes overly paranoid, or actually afraid of letting anyone in, then you have to take another look at the reasons behind it.

The cards are telling me that someone is a very super sensitive soul, emotion based, open and naïve, and this led to an unpleasant, maybe even harmful connection, which resulted in a complete loss of trust and the inability to have faith in anyone.  Yes, we should always be careful who we put our trust in, especially in this large and complicated world, but you can get hurt so deeply that it's difficult to open the door for anyone, and so much is missed when we get to this point.

There appears to be a new opportunity on the horizon, a new connection that could be made, but you're closing your eyes to it, trying to ignore it's existence.  Behind those closed eyes, you feel the passion and the incredible energy that awaits you if you open yourself to this opportunity.

The cards are telling  me that sometimes what's needed are decisions made with the heart instead of the head.  Don't downplay your own unique sense of empathic and intuitive abilities... that little voice in your head will tell you when to go for it.

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