TAROT ~ the 8's


The 8s ~

To learn, to escape, to accelerate, to leave


Pentacles ~ It’s all about learning something new, refining your skills, broadening your knowledge.  It’s about focus, concentration, and dedication.

Apprenticeship, trade, job, skills, learning, craftsmanship, opportunities

8/Pentacles ~ The little cobbler in that infamous fairy tale is hard at work, head bent over his tools, practicing his trade with great concentration, pride in craftsmanship, with great ability and a terrific work ethic.  You’re either going to learn a new trade, you’re going to improve the skills for a job you’re already doing, or you’re going to fly the employment coop and go back to school to take a completely different path in life.  Whichever scenario it is, know that you are more than capable of achieving your goals, you’ve got what it takes… learn, grow, expand, and thrive!


Sometimes this card means that you’ve lost interest and enthusiasm for what you’re doing.  Sometimes this card means that there’s something else coming up for you, a change of employment, a change in your craft, and you are just not aware of it yet.  Be forewarned.  Sometimes this card just wants you to look at your life, really look, and make sure this is where you want to be, this is what you want to be doing.  It’s time for some self-examination.

My Personal Connection:

This card is all about your work, what you do in life to make a living, to give your life meaning, to feel self-worth, to be able to survive in a culture and society that centers around money as it pertains to our sustainability.

What have I done??  To some this card explicitly points to jobs, meaning employment outside the home, the labor you put forth in order to earn a paycheck and to pay your taxes and fit into the pegs of modern society.

What have I done?… I was a stay-at-home home-schooling mother for over 25+ years, raising seven children; I have written books from the quiet confines of my shaded back porch and sometimes from the purple coziness of my bed; I have developed websites, created an online shop, made and sold hand-crafted products, and read the tarot for people all over the world with the aid of modern technology, all from my kitchen table.

What have I done?

The eight of pentacles tells me to embrace my craftsmanship, my creativity, my perseverance, my self-taught capabilities.  The eight of pentacles often shows it’s face to me in order to let me know that I’m not done yet.  There’s much more left to do, it just might be time to turn the page and begin a new chapter.

Swords ~ It’s all about feeling trapped and being blinded by your circumstances.  It’s about being savvy enough to get yourself out of compromising situations.  It’s about seeking freedom.

Bondage, blindness, apathy, loss, self-esteem, manipulation, hopelessness

8/Swords ~ Oh my gawds, who hasn’t been the character on this card?  It’s all about being physically or emotionally trapped by a relationship gone sour; it’s about being trapped by family and friends and their expectations of us; it’s about being trapped by financial circumstances; it’s about being trapped by society and it’s rigidity and lack of imagination; it’s about being trapped by some great big bogey man in the universe who wants to keep us from moving on, moving up, moving forward.  It’s all about all these things that are holding us hostage in life.  It’s all about feeling trapped by outside influences we can’t control… or can we?


You’ve figured it out.  When this card comes up reversed, you’ve finally figured out how to free yourself.  And when you do, you’re going to say, “What took me so long?  Why couldn’t I see the solution sooner?”  It’s right there, right in front of your face, and it has been the whole time.  You just had to pull yourself out of that tunnel vision you were caught up in.

My Personal Connection:

I hate feeling trapped.  I suppose everyone does.  More often than not, the times in my life that I’ve felt trapped involved relationships, or financial situations.  It’s taken me years to realize that so many of us, myself included, have actually built our own cages, created our own prisons.  And we are the ones who have to find our way out.

Sometimes just the idea of having to take a first step, having to make a first decision, having to step up to an individual or something inside ourselves is scary and intimidating.  Beginning to step out is the scariest part… just beginning.  Once you’ve begun, the rest seems to come naturally, and then you will wonder – Why was I so afraid to start?  Why  didn’t I do this sooner?

The eight of swords is an unpleasant looking card, implying unpleasant circumstances.  The thing is, it’s often not as bad as it looks, and when it shows up for you, it’s kind of saying… “Get moving!  You can’t stand there like that all day!”

Wands ~ It’s all about movement and speed, movement of people, ideas, situations, conclusions, and options.  It’s all about the pace of life.

8/Wands ~ Hurry!  Hurry up, the shit is going to hit the fan at any moment.  Your life is going to be propelled forward at an alarming speed.  You’re going to feel the rush;  you’re going to feel the g-forces moving you mercilessly through your existence at a hundred miles an hour.  You’ve been wondering when your life was going to pick up, when things were going to start happening?  Well, the answer is yesterday.  It’s that fast.  When this card shows up, hang onto your hat, the race horse is out of the gate.


Patience is the key here.  Nothing we really want in life ever seems to happen fast enough, and when this card comes up, it’s going to seem even slower.  You will feel maddening frustration at the slow motion movement of circumstances around you, of people around you.  Decisions and questions are left hanging on the thread of procrastination.  All you can do is ride it out.  Normalcy will resume, time will accelerate.  Really, it will.

My Personal Connection:

When I was about 12-years-old, I was sitting at the kitchen table in my grandmother’s house while she was busy at the counter. I was caught up in my own little world inside my head, as was (is) so often the case for me.  Suddenly she said, “I’m going to have to put up a yardstick.”  I was puzzled, this was so out of the blue, there had been no conversation.  So I asked, “What do you have to do that for?”  She said, “To see if you’re  moving.”

I’m slow.  I’m slow to start things; I’m slow to finish things; I’m slow in the middle of doing things.

This card depicting swiftness and speed, or stagnation, suspended animation, or hesitation only reminds me of this.  And it’s taken years for me to move past my grandmother’s comment, her personal observation, to realize that my speed is my speed.  I do what I do in my own time, and that’s the way it is.

“Learn to accept yourself.”… this is the lesson I’ve received from the eight of swords.

Cups ~ It’s all about knowing when to walk away, knowing when to stop trying.  It’s all about being brave enough to turn your back on something in your life that is destructive to you.

Leaving, endings, severance, giving up, irresponsibility, abandonment, closure, finality

8/Cups ~ Know when to walk away; know when it’s time, and it’s okay, to move on; know when it’s not all about giving up, it’s about starting over; know that it’s not about defeat, it’s about changing goals.  This card comes up for me most often in relationship readings.  It’s amazing how many people feel caught in a relationship they don’t think they can get out of, or they’re beating a dead horse, trying in vain to sustain a relationship that is already dead in the water.  People seem to be afraid to leave, whatever it may be that they’re leaving; and people seem to be afraid of starting over.  One door is just as scary and intimidating as the other.  Don’t worry, this card tells us, everything is going to be okay.  Now move on, one foot in front of the other, and don’t look back.


You might be the one left behind.  If you’re wondering how a set of circumstances is going to go, or how a relationship is going to proceed, this  card may be a bit troublesome for you.  Sometimes this card simply lets us know that someone has tried, really hard, to move on and they’re having some difficulty with the process.  Sometimes this card points to a moment like this in someone’s past.  Read it with discernment, discretion, and a certain amount of sympathy.

My Personal Connection:

Throughout a life time, we all have many beginnings and endings encompassing a wide variety of life and it’s circumstances.  When you reach a certain age (like my age, for example), you look back and you will be amazed (like me) to realize that the memories of many or most of those endings are still stored in your mind in vivid technicolor.  The thing is, that along with all those memories, some of which might be quite painful or unpleasant, you will shockingly realize that the emotions that went along with many of them are still there, intact, and just as defined and vigorous as they were such a long time ago.

You will not be able to make peace with the eight of cups until you make peace with those memories, those decisions, those individuals of the past and put it to rest.  In other words, you haven’t really moved on until you can come to terms with, or completely banish, those negative emotions.  If you can’t do this, you may spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder at those two cups left standing thinking, “What if?...”


The Ultimate Tarot Guide:
for Your Personal Tarot Journey

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